
    Know your School

    Kendriya Vidyalaya, Golden Rock (SR) Tiruchchirapali was established in the academic year 2016-17 from classes I to 5 in a temporary building within the Railway Campus- Golden Rock(Ponmalai), Inaugurated by Shri.A.K.AGARWAL,the then Divisional Railway Manager, Tiruchchirapali Division in the presence of Sh.S.M.Saleem,the then Deputy Commissioner , KVS, RO,Chennai.Now it is upgraded upto class10 .It stands for its uniqueness in providing quality education and all round development of the children encompassing the very dear virtue of inculcating the national pride in every activity that is performed . It is associated with the CBSE.
    Kendriya Vidyalaya, Golden Rock has carved a niche for itself with excellent results in the board examinations since 2017. We work under the umbrella of experienced and dedicated teachers with a group of sincere and hardworking students and a very supportive non-teaching staff.